Brewery News

Evil Horse Brewing
In 1911, William Seggebruch constructed this building to house his grain, flour and feed business, as well as Fred Rohe’s insurance office. The building's second floor was a large hall, which was frequently used for dances and roller skating. By 1917, Crete Theater had started showing movies in the hall. In the 1920s, Seggebruch's auto repair business and Zirzow’s barbershop also occupied the building. A large addition was built on the west side in 1940 to house K & J Bowling Alley. In 2001, the second floor was expanded over the bowling lanes as well, and a restaurant and another business opened upstairs. The first floor of this historic building was completely renovated in 2015 for Evil Horse Brewing Company, which opened its doors to the public in April 2016.

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